Your search returned 3 results.

1. Lending Books
Fresh perspectives exploring alternative dimensions of poverty in Sri Lanka by
Language: English Language
Publication details: center for poverty Analysis 2007 2007
Availability: Not available: Agricultural Library: Withdrawn (1).
2. Lending Books
The Multiple dimensions of child poverty in Sri Lanka a literature review by
Language: English Language
Publication details: Colombo Center for Poverty analysis 2008 2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Agricultural Library (1)Collection, call number: Lending Collection 362.5095493REM.
3. Sheduled Reference
Understanding the dimensions and dynamics of poverty in underserved settlements in Colombo dimensions of poverty by Series: CEPA working paper series No. 3 - 2004
Language: English Language
Publication details: Colombo Centre for Poverty Analysis 2004 2004
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: Main Library (1)Collection, call number: Reference Collection 362.5GUN.